Monday, April 20, 2015

Like the winds in April...

Like the winds in April, we are very busy "cleaning things up" at the NetBeans Python Project.

As you may know, the folks at have been very busy, and have released Jython 2.7 RC2.
See Jim Baker's presentation at PyCon 2015!  Recently, Ralph and Julio have done some exciting work getting this new Jython ready for testing in NetBeans, and we plan to have Jython 2.7 GA as part of our release (#251765) of the Python Plugin for Netbeans.

Most recently, our new engineer Vincent has taken on getting UTF-8 working (#153498)!

Earlier this month, Ralph also worked on Project2 (Python Projects using Setuptools), and I continue to work on Platform Autodetect (#251902), which appears to need a complete rewrite based on our latest requirements. Also, I find I am spending more time than I would like fending off bots and spam from both and our NBPython forum. A big thank you to the fine folks at for helping to keep our forum clean!

I also spent a little time recruiting, and we are nearly staffed-up to achieve the desired velocity - this month, we welcome Julien Enselme and Val Akkapeddi, who have joined us as Engineers!

Julien Enselme is completing his Master's in Engineering and is currently an intern at Ioda-net, Switzerland. His background includes experience with Pyramid as well as Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Val Akkapeddi is a Sr. Consultant based in New York. His background includes Java and Java EE, as well as automated testing and deployment/DevOps.

Please give Julien and Val a warm welcome [tremendous applause] !

Upcoming tasks - We continue to work through the bugs at bugzilla. In the coming weeks we will be onboarding the new Engineers and QA Analysts, upgrading our bundled platform in Dev to Jython 2.7 (probably RC3) and making improvements (that I had deferred) to the website.

Stay tuned...

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